When you don't want to live
alone but want a life of your own

Casa de Amma nurtures the abilities and independence of adults with special needs.
We provide a broad spectrum of vocational, residential, educational and social opportunities in
a responsive and caring environment. At Casa de Amma we focus on three main support areas —
Living, Learning and Belonging. Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each
resident and provide a meaningful experience for the entire family — because we understand
families are happier when their member with special needs is living the best life possible.
Casa de Amma is a long term independent apartment community that strives
to meet each residents needs as they age and mature.

Residents benefit the most when their families are supportive and involved in the
individualized program created for their son or daughter. We strive to work as a team with
each resident, their family and our staff, by creating person-centered, effective support.
Our staff includes highly skilled professionals who provide responsive and effective
support services to our very special population.

Casa de Amma believes adults with special needs can and should be productive,
contributing members of their community. Our supported living environment provides
every opportunity for life long learning and achieving personal potential. We offer services
to enhance the overall independence of residents while maintaining the structure necessary
to promote safety, health and well-being.
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