casa’s community education program

The men and women who call Casa de Amma home are some of the most inspiring people you will ever
meet, and their stories of overcoming difficulty and discrimination abound. Many of our residents love
an opportunity to talk about their experiences and as the result, have inspired others in the process.
Unfortunately Mere are many stereotypes and stigmas surrounding adults with disabilities and many
in our local communities have had very little interaction with this special population because often
they are segregated and live in isolation. We want to give our residents the opportunity to showcase
their abilities, unique insights and experiences in our efforts to help bridge that gap.

Casa's Community Education program offers FREE presentations to schools, churches, organizations
and the workplace and are facilitated by staff members and Casa residents — as they bring to light
the realities of living with a disability. We allow people with disabilities to explain for themselves what
their life is like and how they see themselves integrated into the community and allow community
members to challenge their perceptions while providing an open forum for ongoing education and
relationship building with the public regarding those with disabilities. Their stories and
perspectives are sure to inspire and impact all who hear them.

Our presentation includes information on the difference between Intellectual and
Developmental disabilities facilitated by Casa, staff, followed by persona, stories
and discussions with our residents and an always Informative question and
answer session. Presentations can also be formatted to fit your organization's
specific needs and are designed to provide insight into how to best communicate
and integrate special need adults Into the community and workplace.

Please consider scheduling a Community Education Session at you school,
church, organization or workplace. Just let us know you’re interested
by sending an email to and we can
arrange an education session for you.
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